One day while eating lunch in the staff lounge of my high school, I happened upon a curious artifact. It had a label called “Rory’s Story Cubes” and was in the communal staff library (which means feel free to borrow and use). I immediately thought of blogging and possible writing prompts. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have responded to hundreds of the daily writing prompts and they have been great. I will probably continue to do so, but I can’t help but feel that we could get a little more creative with some of the prompts, so I thought I would try my hand at creating some prompts based on, “Rory’s Story Cubes” and see what happens as I have noticed I am not the only one who may feel this way.

Young women imagining a creative story incorporating the story cube ideas.

Today’s Roll of the Dice

A Rainbow, a half-moon, a dice cube, a cell phone, the number 3, an arrow, and forest fire (or maybe fire, you decide, see pic below).

The Prompt – #1 – Story Cube Prompt

Create a poem, piece of fiction, or non-fiction that incorporates all of these items into your narrative. I will go first so you have a sample:

Fiction Version – The Great River Valley

The rain ended in soft pin-pricks on my face around 3:00 p.m. A magnificent rainbow, appearing to originate from one of the Greek God’s magical arrows shot from bow’s of antiquity spanning colossal mountain peaks, which made a fantastic backdrop for my photo I took with my cell phone of a wild deer. I was grateful for the rain because it lessened the chance of a forest fire, escaping from those can be a real roll of the dice, especially when no half-moon existed to guide you.

Poem Version – Holographic Terror

Moonlit rainbows seemed to

emanate from the top of the forest fire

beneath a half moon

Arrows from the attacking Natives

Rained down upon the cruise ship visitors

A group of three narrowly escaped the hail of arrows

The director declared cut and the passengers took out their

cell phones to order dinner

The actors headed off to the casino

to roll the dice

Recap of Rules

Use 85 or less words

You may use plural versions of your words

Incorporate each word from the dice in your story and highlight in bold

Submit the link to your story on the comments section of this post and I will approve it

Make time to read the submissions if possible and give the authors encouragement!

Don’t use A.I. for the writing! This should be a original work! I will know *teacher glare*! 

I encourage the use of Bing image generator (link to create free account), however, as it is such a fascinating way to illustrate our individual stories!


Just Kidding…..of course there is no grades! Just have fun with it, I am curious to see with so many brilliant creative minds can come up with given a different direction to write into! Feel free to reach out to my at my WordPress email if you have questions: mrbunch@mbunch888 or in the comments below. Feel free to stop by my blog as well The Life-Long Education Blog!

Cool Original Writing Prompts on WordPress

FOWC with Fandango – Fandango One Word Challenge

Weekend Writing Prompt –

Additional Resources to Improve Creative Writing

Student pondering creative writing prompt
  1. Writer’s Digest: Writer’s Digest is a comprehensive resource for writers, offering articles, tips, and advice on various aspects of writing, including creative writing.
  2. Creative Writing Now: Creative Writing Now provides free online writing courses, exercises, and resources to enhance your creative writing abilities.
  3. Poets & Writers: Poets & Writers is a valuable resource for writers, offering information on writing contests, literary magazines, and craft-related articles.
  4. The Purdue OWL – Creative Writing: Purdue OWL Creative Writing provides practical tips and exercises to improve your creative writing skills.
  5. Now Novel: Now Novel is an online platform that helps writers develop and outline their novels, offering guidance and support throughout the writing process.
  6. The Write Practice: The Write Practice offers writing prompts, articles, and resources to help you practice and improve your creative writing.
  7. Scrivener: Scrivener is a writing software that helps you organize and structure your writing, making it a valuable tool for creative writers.
  8. MasterClass – Creative Writing: MasterClass – Creative Writing offers online courses taught by renowned authors, providing insights and techniques to enhance your creative writing skills.
  9. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo): NaNoWriMo is an annual event challenging writers to complete a novel in a month, fostering creativity and discipline.
  10. Grammarly: Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps improve your writing by providing grammar and style suggestions, enhancing the overall quality of your creative work.

2 responses to “Looking For A New Creative Writing Prompt?”

  1. Thanks for that information. I find the WordPress ones have been a little boring as of late 🙂

    1. Yeah they are ok, but there is a lack of creatvity at times😁

What are your thoughts on this?


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